*listening to the Preacher’s Daughter rn and need to say that it’s AMAZING and fits Vil’s vibe perfectly*

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I’m always curious about what music do they listen to – thank you for making it sound! Also love seeing Villanelle jealous – I feel her, that guy seemed to be very interested in Eve from the beginning (not on V’s watch though).

I feel that something is looming on the horizon again and, to be brutally honest, every time I’m anxious that something really bad will happen to our girls, saying to myself ‘please don’t kill them’ on repeat (I guess that’s what you get after ‘dead lesbian trope’ from the series)

So everything here is thrilling and I can’t wait for the next one! (even being anxious as f)

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Luke Jennings

I love it, Luke! Love seeing Villanelle jealous! Love the back and forth between our two loves! It is really cute how Villanelle Enough sugar, your teeth will fall out! 😂 Villanelle is beginning to feel so many emotions. She says to Eve, 'Help me out, detka. Tell me what you think.' Eve finds Oxana's asking her for her thoughts is not in Oxana's nature. The two of them are trying to figure their role in all of this. Eve asks if she loves her, and Villanelle pouts and says she doesn't because of her jealousy. Eve then calls her 'Babe' and Villanelle tells her not to 'babe' her. So funny! 😂She then tells Oxana that she was going to ask her to wash her hair, but Oxana wants a favor to do that. Eve must agree without knowing what the favor is. This is perhaps a test of trust on Villanelle's part and of course Eve agrees to it. ❤️Then they are called to Nikolai who voices concerns about Valentin and his heart. He wants them to watch over him and Eve replies that it is understood. This story is so intriguing, Luke! You continue to thrill me with your excellent writing. Thank you so much Luke! I love it! ❤️

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Thanks Diane!

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Jul 4Liked by Luke Jennings

A really great chapter Luke. This is a huge jump in character development from Oxana and I look forward to seeing where it takes her as the story progresses. As for Valentin - it feels like some double-crossing is afoot. As always, next weeks chapter can't come soon enough. ThanksLuke.

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Jul 4Liked by Luke Jennings

Oxana, has change so much, it's so cute seeing her grow, experiencing and accepting new feelings and learning what it actually means. Something that only Eve brings out of her.

But if I'm not mistaken, this is the first time Oxana (Villanelle) got jealous over Eve. We all know how things ended up with Anna. But I love it. Eve, loves it too. How knows, if this jealousy might come between the mission and their relationship? 🤔

But ❤️ will always prevail, O & E ❤️‍🔥💘💞

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Jul 4Liked by Luke Jennings

What did E agree to do for V?

a) Wash her hair in return. It's only fair.

b) Participate in a menage a trois with Valentin. E & V, guard your hearts.

c) Marry V. This whole mission has really been an elaborate proposal scheme.

d) None of the above.

Just having a little fun - I really am dying to know! Good chapter :)

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Jul 4Liked by Luke Jennings

OK, now you'll have me waiting for Valentin to clutch his chest and stagger around with all the drama of a high-school amateur, before finally collapsing.

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I just love the commentary between our girls! They are adorable together, even more so when Villanelle becomes a little jealous. It's fascinating that Villanelle has started listening to music and enjoying herself!

What's tonight really about?? It can't just be a babysitting assignment.

I'm getting a bit nervous wondering what this entire operation is for?🤨

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Jul 8Liked by Luke Jennings

Cher Luke, il y a un moment que je n'ai pas fait de commentaire mais je lis bien entendu tes écrits. Les beaux jours sont de retour et je suis plus souvent dehors que dedans. Je viens de lire les deux derniers chapitres et j'aime beaucoup voir travailler ensemble E et V. Pour moi cela soude leur couple. Je ne sais pas du tout où tu nous emmènes mais c'est passionnant. A bientôt!!

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Jul 12Liked by Luke Jennings

Ethel Cain is amazing! So glad Villanelle's got good taste in music!

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For starters just want to say WoW like all the other instalments you 💯 smashed it I loved it! I could literally imagine Villanelle listening to Preacher's Daughter' …No that’s enough your teeth will fall out 😂 I love this back and forth between Villanelle&Eve , I love that Villanelle is questioning so many things about the situation they are in & Eve is able to possibly help ease her mind , I love the jealousy from Villanelle about Eve Angel are you jealous? Please say that you are , then Villanelle saying I’ve seen how you look at him 😂 love it . 💯🔥 loving this adventure 🎢 of yours Luke (The mastermind) loving how this story of yours is falling into place. Thank you 🥰 for sharing with us all👏👏👏 Back to counting down the days & hours! Love how much these two tease eachother 👏👏👏💯🔥🎢

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Thanks Pru!

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Their banter is really enjoyable and feels so naturally "them". It's not easy to write.

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"‘That you think he likes you. That you think he wants to fuck you. Because he obviously doesn’t.’"

I sometimes post a comic book cover of the Bat-Signal on the Moon as Batman and Robin fly in a spaceship past it


as a sign of how much...certain people project their own desires onto me and mine.

I sort-of kind-of wonder if Villanelle isn't doing that right now about Valentin, suspecting Eve of wanting to have sex with him because she does—possibly as a way to control him? Or as a way to feel like she's wriggling out of this Crazy Little Thing Called 'Love' she's gotten herself into.

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Didnt she do that with charlie in book 3? The wriggling out of love part.

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I dont believe that's what is going on.

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Well, I guess we'll find out one way or the other.

Right now, I'm just speculating based on how the episodes strike me—YMMV.

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