Jun 26Liked by Luke Jennings

Eve and Villanelle actually do have a child already, as they are my mothers

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Like mothers, like daughter

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Jun 26Liked by Luke Jennings

Clotted cream! 😄😄😄👏🏻 best line yet Luke! 😄👌🏻

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Jun 26Liked by Luke Jennings

I think the weekly chapters adds another level of suspense that makes the story of Oxana and Eve even more profound!

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Jun 26Liked by Luke Jennings

I enjoy watching the characters dance around each other. And love that 'clotted cream'.

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Jun 26Liked by Luke Jennings

“…and Oxana ate them.” Love the straightforward delivery of this line lol. You weave a good story, sir.

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Not thinking Eve knew any Russian lol 😂! Now Eve&Villanelle are off to a start with babysitting 😂 what could possibly happen ….Clotted cream 🤣 what a line 👏👏👏 . Oh and Eves dream about Oxsana ate their children 🤣 love it all . Great instalment Thanks Luke the mastermind ! So looking forward to the next instalment, will be counting down the days and hours till the next 💯🔥👏

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The eating their children bit fits because Oxsana wouldn't know how to deal with children, largely because she's still one herself. Anybody who gets between her and Eve has to die, which includes their children, because she's so profoundly selfish—it's what makes her such a compelling character, watching her have to grow up thanks to her feelings for Eve.

The breakthrough, if there ever is one, would be her acceptance of sharing Eve with a child. I'm still not sure that will happen....

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And the suspenseful story continues. Many of us cannot wait for the next installment of your story, Luke. I am enjoying this perplexing adventure of Eve and Villanelle. I love the thoughts that Eve has about their relationship. She knows that as a couple, their relationship is fragile. However, love prevails! The thoughts that Eve has about their relationship reminds me of a song by the group Bad Omen. The song being "Love's the Death of Peace of Mind." Thanks Luke! ❤️Love your suspenseful writing!

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«I think that 'us' is our child. Our relationship»

Oh, Eve. It’s lovely and scary at once, her dreams. Lovely because there is a lot of dedication and commitment in their relationship. And scary because she knows they are feeding on their own love, without a room for anything else (sauf their life or death adventures), which makes their relationship a bit codependent. But she sees it as it is and accepts it, which makes her one of a kind, with no doubts.

Thank you so much, Luke! ❤️

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Just a thought... could Villanelle be a descendant of the Romanov family?🤨

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She’s never mentioned it to me!

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Jul 1Liked by Luke Jennings

Like I said, it was a fleeting thought, haha!😆

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