I don't think Villanelle will need to do much to get Balice off their backs. She's doing a pretty good job of messing up her job all by herself!

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Jun 19Liked by Luke Jennings

🀣 🀣 🀣 I can’t stop laughing because I’m alittle nervous aswell as this was also funny but revealed so much about Balice πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ€― she is a psychopath who has seriously got it bad for Villanelle & such the green eyed monster towards Eve . You ask me say β€˜ I love you’ in Russian πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£ she is fantasising about Villanelle! Bilyana offering to beat up Villanelle I’m howling with laughter πŸ˜†. Thanks Luke the mastermind πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ she played Balices game for her now Balice is too play her game I innocent young Bulgarian girl . Virgin. You Emily Blunt 🀣🀣🀣 can’t wait for your next instalment loving your 🎒ride full of adventures πŸ’―πŸ”₯

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She's not with them when she's with them!

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🀣 she certainly isn’t ! Oh god her obsession runs very deep, now Villanelle has a sicko who is completely tapped 🫨 after her 🀒 that wants to take Eve out & run off into the sunset with Villanelle 🀣I’m dying with laughter . Question is how will all this unfold 😳🀭carnage πŸ˜³πŸ’―πŸŽ’

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Jun 19Liked by Luke Jennings

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ohh to be in your head Luke Jennings! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜„

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Jun 20Liked by Luke Jennings

The inglorious end of Balice continues. Villanelle doesn't need to do a thing.

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Balice says that V. will get bored of Eve so much, that now she’s the one who’s boring with her desperate crush on V. Anyway, I’m curious about this new Bulgarian character, sounds like probably she will be more than just a pass on. And Emily Blunt kinky thing? That’s brilliant, I loved it πŸ˜…

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So funny. Ditto everything Pru wrote. I wonder who the Bulgarian really is?

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Jun 21Liked by Luke Jennings

Bili's character is a fun addition to the story. She brings comic relief but also adds another layer of complexity to the plot. If she does a favor for Balice, what will she want in return? Also sensing an exciting action sequence on the horizon, as she and V are both physically fit and train in martial arts. If she meets with V, will it be an equal match? Loving the new storyline - thank you!

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Oh my gosh I just snort-laughed at the last line. Quid pro quo! Also, when Villanelle picked up a faux Eve it was the hot kind of obsessive (as mutual obsession tends to be). Poor Balice’s unreciprocated hangup just sounds desperate…which I bet is more dangerous. This one is definitely going to get worse before it gets better.

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Balice is a whack job! 🫨 She is a narcissist to the max! Cannot stand her. 😠 She thinks she is so smart and has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. I wonder how many of her co-workers can see right through her. I wish Villanelle and Eve could literally take her out. Balice the f*up! Emily Blunt she is not. 🀣

Thanks, Luke, for entertaining us once again. ❀️

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Jun 19Liked by Luke Jennings

πŸ’― agree with you comment 🀣 she is completely tapped (Vile) is too good of a word for her πŸ€―πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ€’

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That Emily Blunt line is definitely awesome and hilarious!

Love the way Bloodline is taking shape.

Question: Has Villanelle stopped assasinating? I recall only one in Resurrection and none yet in Bloodline.

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I laughed out loud at the last line. A friend and I have been arguing about Emily Blunt. She thinks she’s as dull as an old pencil. I say she’s an angel.

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My game also includes Emily blunt

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Very sensible

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That bitch, Balice!πŸ˜†

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I have a sneaking regard for Balice...

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Villanelle’s damage has been done with balance already questioning her actions which I’ll bet she’ll do something without realizing it later that will tank her completely and Villanelle will be there with Eve with a massive grin….can’t wait

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Cute game at the end. Poor Balice, just can't move on.

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Balice is a great character…but could easily be superseded by the Emily Blunt loving Tiger!

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Game on!

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