Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

OMG, I just cannot stand Balice! She is a conniving bitch that has it in for Eve. Villanelle must protect Eve from Balice's claws! Balice is the epitome of a jealous, evil, self-serving piece of trash. How can she be so hateful? She even uses her husband, Charlie to get what she wants to do her dirty deeds. I hope Villanelle murders her. It would serve the environment very well to get rid of this huge piece of trash.

I love how Eve and Villanelle know each other so well. They don't need to speak to understand what they are thinking. Just a female gaze between the two of them does it. Luke, I think you should throw in a sexy triste between Eve and Villanelle instead of wasting your wonderful writing on Balice's sex with her husband. You could make it very explicit! 🔥💕 I would love that and I'm pretty sure other fans would love it as well! Thank you for writing this chapter and I wish I could meet you in London but am stuck here in the U.S. 😢 In the meantime I will anxiously await your next chapter. I love our girls and I love you ❤️as well for allowing us to enjoy the gift of your writing! Cheers my friend from across the pond!

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Thanks Diane!

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Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

As for Balice and her dope of a husband having blah vanilla sex? We...kind of need to know that so we can know just how desperate Balice is for her Mad Russian Lady Assassin.

And it's not really a sex scene—more like a plot scene with some sex going on in the background.

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Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

Love the unspoken communication in the last paragraph—a succinct and cryptic cliffhanger. Arghh I’m greedy and want more!

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Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

Balice is just nasty 😂 can’t stand her, proper stalker vibes for V ! She definitely knows how to use her resources ie including her husband 😂. She comes across evil to the core & just has one thing or shall I say person set to get to in her mind . The way she talks of getting rid of Eve & being with V , she is completely delusional ! I hope she gets a very horrible end ! I’m so excited for what’s to come now V&E are settling in the household , their understanding of their unspoken words is beautiful. They know each other so well ! Thank you Luke for this great instalment , I’m very excited 😝 to be on here being able to read your amazing writing & being on your 🎢 ride of adventure . It was good to get some insight into the background of balices life & how she navigates through the system. 💯🔥❤️ will be counting down the days & hours till the next instalment 👏👏👏ps enjoyed Valentin’s line ( I’m the family fuck-up) thrown in

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Jun 6Liked by Luke Jennings

Well, Luke, I just have to add my two cents. We had to use our imagination enough with the Killing Eve TV show! What a letdown the show was as far as scenes between Villanelle and Eve. That's why I truly appreciated your books, Luke. I feel that the program let us down in so many ways. It threw in totally useless material and characters after Season 3. They wasted so much time on these apparent fill-ins where we could have been enjoying Villanelle and Eve's love affair. No sex scenes between the two at all in the show!!! We had to use our imagination in the last 2 -3 minutes and then they killed off Villanelle! As a lesbian, I felt totally appalled, disappointed and betrayed by the writers and the bury your gays aspect! Give me the books any day! Okay, that's enough out of me. Thank you.

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Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

Of COURSE Balice is going to try and get Eve assassinated by MI6 so she can have Villanelle to herself! 🙄 On the off-chance she succeeds, I wouldn't give her long to live afterwards, as I don't think she's aware of how much Villanelle is onto her game....

So...what's next for our crazy kids and their babysitting assignment?

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Eve has a thing for Russians, doesn’t she? 😅 I find it really very cute. Also I was thinking about that we have “seen” a few sex scenes with different characters but Villaneve and it intrigues me, is there a chance for one or should we leave them intimately connected but alone?..

Still hating Balice-malice, but the way you put parts of her life makes me feel a bit sorry for her. Not a life but a lie, as MI6 itself, no wonder Eve would never ever work with them again, she’s more than that, and I’d hazard a guess that that’s the reason why Balice is so envious. Eve has it all plus Oksana – while obsessed Balice got for herself just a glimpse of Villanelle.

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Re sex scenes, I think they serve two purposes: one as an indicator of character, which is why we see a fair amount of V’s liaisons in the books (they tend to be quite calculated exercises in bending people to her will and/or dominating them while giving nothing of herself away). She's happy to satisfy herself and her ego without a thought of her partners’ feelings. Her buccaneering sex life with strangers is in contrast to her steadily growing fascination with Eve. She doesn’t fully understand this (although she thinks she does) so likes to assert herself through ‘controllable’ pick-ups.

Her ‘affair’ with Balice is an attempt to repair the distress that she feels at Eve’s apparent rejection. She’s never felt anything like this before, and doesn’t know how to deal with it. So she goes for the casual hookup, and finds that doesn’t work any more.

In Die for Me we see V&E getting together but again it’s plot, character development etc, and needs to be seen for what it tells us about them. But there comes a point where they deserve their privacy (!) and a detailed sex scene would be gratuitous because it doesn’t really serve the story. So, over to your imagination…

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Thanks for the profound commentary, Luke! This resonates with me much, the concept itself, that you as the author give us readers the sacred space for imagination.

V’s complicated (for her) feels for Eve – oh, I adore that, especially the fact that it kinda puts Eve in more hmmm mature (?) steady and a bit controlling position, because she is natural with her feelings and she’s the one who really understands love and commitment.

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I’m hoping it’s a Forever Thing, and half expect them to be broken down to nothing again and have to nurse one or each other back to life, love, lust. I believe in their love, I want it to work, such a great couple of sapiosexuals

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Jun 6Liked by Luke Jennings

I was wondering the same thing, will there ever be an opportunity for at least one sex scene between Eve and Villanelle? I mean, already in the previous story they were separated all the time I hope that at least in this story there is some intimacy between them

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Jun 5Liked by Luke Jennings

Another great chapter with lots going on. I would imagine Johnny's lot are well aware of the potential for Charlie to give Balice the information she seeks, and have maybe even accounted for it in their plans. I don't think there is much that Luke adds in without it becoming meaningful further down the line. So I don't think we have seen the last of Charlie. As always, already waiting for the next chapter having only just read this one. LOL. Thanks Luke.

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I cant believe this exists and I can just come across it in Substack. Fantastic. So much fun

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Thanks! Tell your friends 🇦🇺

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