May 23Liked by Luke Jennings

Love the transition from Balice’s smug hubris, cut to Villanelle watching the van through binoculars. Brilliant. Our hero is just who we expected her to be. And just from these first few chapters you can totally tell that Balice operates with ferret energy—jealousy, maybe impulsive or reckless, overly confident, and apparently outsources her work to goons. But Villanelle is a mountain lion. This should be good!

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May 23Liked by Luke Jennings

I am worried for johnny , as I have come to really enjoy his character but - Omg so excited 😆 this is 💯 🔥🤯 the green eyed monster Balice had to make an appearance sooner or later … Balice The Stalker gives me the creeps , but it’s always great to have someone you can’t stand in a story! Loved that Villanelle recognises everything …. Always ahead of the game . Love is fear loved that line very powerful! Buckle up for the ride🎢 peeps as this adventure 🎢 is hanging off the edge 💯🔥❤️👏! Thanks 🥰 Luke the Master mind 👏👏👏 ps loved the shopping trip especially after you shared on here what stuff they would of been shopping for 😊

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So—does Villanelle keep Balice around because she knows how to manipulate her, or does she kill Balice for (she thinks!) trying to kill her?

Or does Villanelle discover Balice was aiming for Eve—and kills her for that?

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

I was trying to say that Villanelle knows Balice is likely watching, which Balice in her jealousy over Eve doesn't consider. So I was speculating on how this might get handled.

Also, worried about Johnny as well—I hope his Spidey-Sense is attuned!

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Oh I think E and V will find out Eve was the target and Eve gets justice by taking out Balice!

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

Love it, Luke! ❤️ This is getting very exciting. I hope Villanelle kills Balice, but of course there must be a villain in the story and she is as obnoxious as they come. I love how close Eve and Villanelle have become. Who needs pajamas? 😊 Eve is so worried about Villanelle. It is so sweet. They are in love! Put that in your smug, fat face Balice! Jealous bitch. Anxiously awaiting the next installment, Luke. Thank you so much! ❤️

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May 23Liked by Luke Jennings

I venture to suggest that Oxana and Eve are not in place to provide a mere threat assessment. The 12 want an assassination. A logistically difficult , well nigh impossible killing. But who? Father or son?

I can't wait to see the tension and lust between Balice and Oxana when their paths cross as they surely must, but will Oxana take what she wants before her revenge? Johnny? He's '12', but an enigma - for the moment.

OK, I haven't a clue! lol

This is going to explode!! Bring it on Luke, you never fail to surprise us! lol

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Lust between oxana e balice? No thank you. I had enough of that in the other story and I honestly hated it. 😣😣😣 so how I hate that Eve didn’t get pissed off even a little bit. any person would be pissed. 🤬Maybe a little more villanelle showing how much she cares and how much she is afraid of losing Eve would be better. Seeing Villanelle jealous for once would be fun, otherwise it's also always a story that goes in circles. 😊

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

I mean…Eve went back to Nico. There was a lot going on. And Villanelle was made to feel that they were done. It’s meant to hurt the heart, but it at least makes sense. And it was a lot different than what Villanelle did in Die For Me. Here, she at least began to learn to put herself on the line, and I think that’s why she and Eve are back together.

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It’s not that simple. Eve was blackmailed by Balice and what did Villanelle do? She slept with the person who is basically the reason eve is keeping her distance. And after once she slept with her she still tries to get Eve back? 🤔🤔I’m sorry but it’s no sense and there’s no evolution of the character, remaining onedimensional. Just as I think it doesn't make sense that Niko is willing to be with Eve after more than a year has passed without any problems...It's a forced separation and I don't get why they always have to keep them separate. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ But these are just my considerations!! 🤓🤓we love villanelle e Eve and I will keep reading this new avventure!! 😃😃😃

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Hey Lu, if I might cut in... Balice plays V & E quite skilfully to begin with. Both are forced to comply. We don't know much about Niko and E's attempt at reconciliation, but the fact that from an easy-going guy N has now got a hair-trigger temper tells us that he has very limited patience for the plan. V is distraught to see them apparently together, and when she gets the chance sleeps with B partly as a power-move, partly as revenge against E. It's not logical, given that B is the architect of her distress (and that she loves E), but this is the way that V works when challenged. Be a predator, take back control! And it's successful. It fucks with B's mind and brings her to heel. E meanwhile (although sick of the lying and unempathetic behaviour V showed in St P) wants V to know that the experiment with N has failed. She loves V for better or worse. She accepts that V's fling with B was meaningless, to V at least, and caused at least in part by V's impression that she had lost E. Hope this helps...

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

I love this! Great to read your character notes on this arc. I didn’t even pick up on that point about Niko. I have to say, I just remembered that while I was re-reading Resurrection the other week, I actually paused at the end of ch.12 and opened my Notes app, and wrote this:

“KE:R (12) Ugh. When those fragmented memories come back all at once and suck the wind out of your lungs... That feeling when all you want is to fix it, but realize there’s nothing you can do, so every good/bad/tiny memory suddenly all becomes too painful to even have around—delete, delete, delete. A very survivalist-mode/protection response. Villanelle is hurting bad.”

Just wanted to share that bc I’m surprised to hear that it didn’t feel believable to some. I may not be involved in international assassin politics, but I’ve had my heart broken, and the way you wrote Villanelle in that chapter took me right back to a pretty painful memory (all good, twas a very long time ago!). But the first time I read it, I think I said “oof” out loud and remember I had to kind of move on quickly bc it was just a little too real lol. Clearly enough so that I was compelled to make that note the second time around. So yes, I actually thought this chapter and Villanelle’s thoughts and actions were very believable and really captured a lot of that complexity, in a very succinct way. …And in my case, I hadn’t just scaled a window, prostrated myself before someone in a shower with tears and glass and poured out my heart only to be rejected! Talk about oof.

Just thought I’d share. :) Thank you for writing!

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

(To clarify, I mean to say that while obviously not an identical situation, Villanelle’s drastic response was very believable. Heartbreaking, but believable. She was clearly trying to switch gears and take back control. And the fact that even with her keen mind and psychopathic tendencies, it still didn’t work and she still couldn’t erase Eve over the next few chapters…my heart!) :)

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Hi Luke -- that's pretty much what I picked up from the story line and subtext. I think it is really well done and hugely enjoyable. This time I'm also curious about what is going on with The Twelve.

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Balice's jealousy and sense of superiority will be her undoing. It has me wondering how she got to be an MI5, (or is it 6?) operative. Who's watching the watchers? Balice can't have been ;eft to her own devices by her higher ups, they surely have more sense/experience are not taken in by her lack of insight in what's going on. Who does Balice repot to and why is she given such free reign and access to support staff - and credit cards.

I envy Eve her understanding of Oxana. Imagine...being so secure in your lover's love that you can dismiss her dalliances as nothing more than...what? scratching an itch perhaps. It's certainly not what I could do. I would be in a rage with Oxana and yet...Eve is above it. Perhaps she understands that just as she was trapped in a room with Nico, so too was Oxana trapped with Balice. And Oxana is a master at manipulation, Eve knowing full well that Oxana will get the information she seeks in the simplest way possible.

I am so looking forward to seeing the downfall of Balice but wonder if she, too, is merely a puppet of someone else and is powerless to do anything other than do as she is told. OMG, this story could go in so many different directions. There is so much going on in the background that we have only had glimpses of. I look forward to next week Luke.

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You’re not alone😂😂I could never forgive her that easily either. No matter what reason she did it or any other motivation, I think no one could. We’ll see what happen now😃

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May 24Liked by Luke Jennings

Tit for tat ...love it! 🩷

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How dare balice be so jealous of eve and V

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I love so much when Eve calls Villanelle 'angel', it melts my heart every time. And the suspense and fear of something bad on the horizon (Balice bitch, what else huh) is killing me like it’s killing Eve being afraid of V’s death.

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A mountain lion named Angel... In the show Yusuf (who I'm not really a fan of) said to Eve:

"You're like one of those people that adopt a lion cub, and they're like: "oh no, we have a connection! He'd never hurt me!" And then: it rips their stupid head off!"

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God I definitely misheard it in the show. Great quote, thanks for sharing, I adore the reference to a lion, she really is – a lioness

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And all my daughters are. I hope :)

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A jealous Balice, the damage has been done, & the effects of V have burrowed itself into Balice’s mind..very hunger caterpillar like 😜, can’t wait for V to use it against Balice.

E & V together on a mission again, can’t wait for the interactions together…the arguments, the conversations, the feelings…something to look forward to.

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Balice is so gullible, my God. By the way, any plans to release Resurrection in paperback?

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I’ll probably bring it out as an e-book on Amazon at some point

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Take my hard earned money Luke!! 😂

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If you insist!

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Yes!! I'll for sure buy!

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Looking forward to it.

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Thanks Andrei!

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I'm hoping these Killing Eve stories actually become a franchise, like the James Bond franchise or Fast and Furious franchise.

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Stranger things have happened!

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