May 14Liked by Luke Jennings

Very intriguing Luke! Thank you for writing this. Finally, our Eve and Villanelle are going to be a team together! 💕 I love it! I will wait with anticipation of what will happen in the future for our girls. I love your writing and am so looking forward to this new adventure. Thanks so much Luke! 😊👌

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May 14Liked by Luke Jennings

The Pretty Woman soundtrack is suddenly playing in my head!! 🤔😂😂😂

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Oxana and a credit card with no limit? Just weep quietly Balice and try not to let your tears stain your 'vintage' McQueen. Speaking of Balice, I have it on very good authority - my vivid imagination - that Johnny is aware of her interest in Valentin as a potential target/asset. Nikolai = 12? What can possibly go wrong? Everything; everything in cold blooded stylish, sexy catwalk elegant perfection. (I've got to phone my therapist; she feels I am possibly over invested in this . But what does she know? lol)

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She knows nothing but phone her anyway

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New Killing Eve, chapter 2: Interesting start, I know something is going to go wrong and I'm hooked

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And in other news, water is wet. 😁

I think Valentin Dominik has Johnny smelling a big fat rat—I don't know if he hopes Eve will find out too much and Villanelle will have to kill Valentin, or if they will find out enough to turn him for Johnny's people. So, let's see how they handle the case Johnny's handed them....

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May 14Liked by Luke Jennings

Thank you, Luke! I loooveee it. 💙

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Hah I can only imagine the fun V is going to have with those credit cards. I’m so glad to have some time of them working together. A new dynamic, where Eve is openly worried about V. I will be curious to see how V behaves as she has come to realize her true feelings and love for Eve

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Good setup. lots of threads hanging there, waiting to be pulled to see what happens.

Love that closing bit -

'Leave it to me,' Villanelle says. 'Is there a limit on these cards?'

'Not that I know of. Coffee?’

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KE:Bloodline had me hooked from the start! I love your exquisite detailing when you write; it helps me imagine every scene I'm reading.

Johnny is back! I love that I'm familiar with his character already. We all know Villanelle loves the finer things, so an unlimited cap on a credit card should be fun. Villanelle will definitely have to show Eve what to buy to "look the part".

I hope there'll be a small part you'll write including their shopping escapade. How fun would that be??😉

Can't wait to read more!

Luke, wanted to let you know, I became a paid subscriber!😃 Thank you for giving us such amazing literature!🩷

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Very good. I love how Eve takes the lead in asking Johnny questions and holds Villanelle's when she's protective and that Villanelle les her.

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Haha… I like the last bit. When V was asking about the credit card limit. Going luxury shopping is definitely something what she missed so much since after Paris~

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Luke, I'd love to see some images of the outfits Villanelle is likely to buy, for both of them. And the suitcases they will go in. :)

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Curiouser and curiouser. They'll be guests of the father? That's interesting given the circumstances. As always, I look forward to next week. It can't come soon enough. Thanks Luke.

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Hi paid for subscription but where is bloodline 3?

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It'll be up in an hour or so

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Feels a bit like a better version of the TV series two Aaron Peel story, with E&V actually being together. Like everyone else here: I'm hooked! And I love to see them together. In the TV series I didn't care at all who or what The Twelve really were. I'm getting curious now. Vibes of Kingsman, Charlie's Angels et al.

When you describe London locations my hair is always standing. Memories of my time at KCL...

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Ready for V to go full Julia Roberts

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Ooo, looking forward to their shopping trip (or at least seeing the spoils).

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