Sep 11Liked by Luke Jennings

Ooooh we need that Eve Balice showdown!! 😄🙏🏻

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Sep 11Liked by Luke Jennings

You know that sinking feeling you get in your stomach as an elevator goes down a bunch of floors and when it finally settles, so too does your unease?

That's all I'm feeling after reading that chapter. What happens next is anyone's guess, but that feeling I've got might not be settling down anytime soon.

Thanks for another part that is for sure gonna keep me guessing til the next!

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Sep 11Liked by Luke Jennings

This may be one of my favorite chapters of bloodline. Still waiting on that Oxana revenge but am happy with the line drawn for Balice.

I feel like the cop was put there by Balice knowing he would get sacrificed. Eve is capable of more than she knows and maybe some of those dwarves work at the hospital. They were quite handy in assistance last time!

Thanks Luke, I am enjoying the dialog even more after your killer prose lessons!

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Sep 13Liked by Luke Jennings

I have to admit that I feel a little jealous that Villanelle and Balice didn’t take us into the corridor with them. I'm so curious to know more about the exchange between the two. For example, what triggered V to ask about the bridge incident, how it came into V's sphere of awareness that she may not have been the planned target, and what was the body language between the two (I can only imagine B aroused by an aggressive and physically threatening V, but of course, V is smart enough not to tell Eve about it on the phone!). Yes, Villanelle threatened Balice, but kept her alive. This is a woman who understands strategy, and like one of her online chess matches, she knows when to leave the queen on the board because she knows exactly how and when she will use her later. The story is absolutely thrilling. There is so much to talk about, and I just can't wait to read more!

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Sep 13Liked by Luke Jennings

My stomach is doing flips. I'm so worried what's about to happen! Oxana, please hurry!🫣

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Sep 13Liked by Luke Jennings

Bravo Luke quel suspens!!! On a hâte de lire la suite!

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Sep 13Liked by Luke Jennings

Holy shit!

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Omg…usually I can snag a moment to break away from work on Wednesdays to hunker down for a few and read and respond (even in the throes of active litigation), but I was swamped this week and only managed a quick read in between a few flurries (but don’t you worry, I kept a little bop in my step all day at the thought of upcoming/pending V/E action lol).

I will say I was a little surprised that Villanelle seemed to dismiss Balice so easily when she found out Eve was the target. Something seems up there. Surely Eve being in danger is a natural by-product of her joining Villanelle’s life, and what is now essentially their life together…even more so since Johnny essentially recruited Eve as a partner. So it’s expected that Eve will be in danger and V will just have to be ready for it (such as at the Poodlefucker or whatever (was that it?—great scene btw) with their synchronous one-two punch. Loved it). And it will always behoove Villanelle to keep her cool when it comes to Eve as long as she can bc that’s how she operates first, ahead of feelings.

BUT she also makes it abundantly clear that she has limits and isn’t going to tolerate anyone taking what is hers (like when Dasha had Eve strung up at the clothing warehouse when they got to Russia). And while her measured and clinical responses reflect her training and analytical threat assessment, her need to defend and recapture what is “hers” is really her own way of understanding and expressing love, and she has gone to great lengths and put herself in harm’s way to protect Eve. It’s not just possessiveness.

But aside from their mutual acceptance of risk, the sniper attempt that took out V on the bridge was 100% meant to be a kill shot (which she barely survived but for Eve’s extreme efforts…and afterward still took extra time and space to heal from). So V knows firsthand that this was a skilled assassination order. I can see her maybe absorbing that for herself if she had been the target, but I’m surprised that she would so easily tolerate upon finding out that Eve was actually the target, and had come within inches of execution at Balice’s casual order. *Especially* at the hands of Balice—someone with whom V had hooked up with in a time of sadness and pain (and still came up wanting), and someone who had made no secret of how much she wanted to be with Villanelle, and that she wanted Eve snuffed out so she could replace her…AND after Balice had made a sworn deal with Villanelle to return Eve on the bridge as a swap, and then betrayed that.

I feel like Balice crossed so many of Villanelle’s lines (pretty big for someone with so few of them, but she does have them, like the “criminal code” the vorovskoy zakon with Dasha) that I’m curious how this resulted in anything less than immediate death. Is there a long game? Does Villanelle have a blind spot for flattery after all and doesn’t see it? Is she trying to find a balance between tooth and claw and being a suitable companion so as not to die alone? What else is all this leading up to??

… Even if most of these meanderings ends up being irrelevant lol, I just love the spy/thriller aspect of the KE source material novels—not only as the roots of the tv series, but in the ongoing stories in their own universe. Clearly I’ve become invested, and might be more a fan of the genre than I thought. 👊😹

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Thank you. Litigation! Crikey...

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Sep 12Liked by Luke Jennings

Nice little discussion over blinis. It helps to keep a serious discussion a little lighter. And nicely contrasts with the sudden ramp up to Defcon 1.

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What an instalment 😱! The cheek of Balice for starters! Just knew Valentin wasn’t keen on the idea. What a cliffhanger! My heart is literally in my mouth right now, I feel dread 💯🔥🎢! Eve telling Villanelle to come quickly …. Thanks Luke the mastermind 👏👏👏 counting down the days & hours are going to be agony on this one 😂 but love it ! Why do I feel like Balice is mixing the wooden spoon in the pot with Eves situation right now ?

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Thanks Pru!

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Great installment Luke! I loved how Oxana told Eve that she would tear Balice's throat out if she ever harmed Eve or tried to harm her in any way! ❤️ Eve is relieved to hear that Balice has gone. Oxana tells Eve to bring the gun that is under the bed to the hospital. After Valentin eats some food that Eve has brought with her, he feels better. Eve is cautiously watching for the guard that was with Balice, feels afraid because he has disappeared and calls Oxana immediately, telling her to come right away. I am so nervous about what might happen to Eve and Valentin before Oxana gets there. Patiently awaiting the next chapter. BTW Luke, I did not receive this is my email. I came to the site looking for your next brilliant installment, because didn't want to miss it. Thanks so much. Your fan, Diane 😊

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Thanks Diane. Still trying to get an answer about your emails.

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Thanks very much Luke. I appreciate your efforts.

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Honestly? I thought the cop overheard Valentin say he really didn't WANT to go to Russia, told Balice, and she told him to get lost—either planning to kill or kidnap him herself to use him, and have Eve meet with a "tragic accident".

And then, Eve would face Balice planning to kill her, either way—then tell Balice, "Leave her alone, you BITCH!" before emptying the entire clip into Balice.

...Mostly because I thought Eve going all Ripley on Balice's ass so she wouldn't keep sniffing around Villanelle would be fun.

Some of these are just for me. 😇

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So villanelle let Balice go like this... "ok, you tried to kill Eve” now go and never show up again, who cares... she has lost all her characterization and charisma... this is not villanelle. . she would have lashed out at Balice regardless of which of the two she wanted to kill her...

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Sep 12Liked by Luke Jennings

That was my first thought, totally. However, I can see Villanelle evolving as much as Eve, moving away from her psychopathic impulsiveness. I suppose she is more pragmatic now. Balice can really stink so Villanelle is better off letting her go. For now. Unless someone has a plan. Villanelle or Mr. Jennings.

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Sep 12Liked by Luke Jennings

I think Gemma has the right of it, Karen—Oxana's evolved a bit since we first met her.

Also, if she kills Balice now, she doesn't find out what else her game is, or who she's working with or for. This shows that Villanelle's evolution also includes thinking more strategically like Eve does, and not just how to execute her current mission. Up until now she's been very much how Dame Judi Dench's M described 007, as "a blunt instrument of empire"—by letting Balice run free for now, she can see where and who Balice runs TO....

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Ohhh I can’t wait for what happens next!

Eve sounds worried but I’m confident she can hold her own without reinforcements. She’s done it before in treacherous situations. She’s not the same Eve as the one in the service or even in Dasha’s home invasion. She’s evolved so much since!

Looking forward to what comes next!

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Jeez, my heart is pumping out of my chest!

And food description was a cherry on top and made me hungry 😅

Side-note: unlike in Resurrection (and Die For Me), here I see Eve more confident and…don’t know how to put it more accurately, but «natural» in dangerous circumstances like this, where you must get yourself together and behave with a cool demeanor. As she developed an affinity for Villanelle’s risky life and embraced it fully. So part of me is anxious, but another part is somehow sure, that she can handle it, in cooperation with Vil, yes (hopefully), but as her equal.

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