Sep 4Liked by Luke Jennings

I also love the last line:

“and I tell myself that there's never going to be an end-point, a higher state of love, but that this is it, this ongoing electric storm, right here, right now.”

That is such a poignant thought. It’s easy to forget that bumps and arguments and struggles and even contention in a relationship isn’t some kind of temporary state until perfection is finally attained. The love is in the existence and in the ongoing effort that never stops. I love this. Ongoing electric storm.

(Btw another thing the show got totally wrong in the end. They were never going to find a way for it to make sense that Eve needs to be with Villanelle, and it was a distraction to keep trying. Eve thrives in the electric storm. She’s not just bored, she also knows what love is. And I love that KE makes that look so damn interesting by happening between Eve and Villanelle.)

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The show should have also maybe not reverted to a "kill your gays" in the end. Of course it never makes sense that Eve wants to be with V, but she gets sucked up in the pull, push and storm that is Villanelle, and can't help herself but be curious. But they could have handled the last EP better than - finality. Leave the door open for possibilities like this - can't tell me people wouldn't flip the frick out to see the actors come back for a wrap up season.

Then again if the show followed the books we might not be here tho, discussing further work by Luke.

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Sep 4Liked by Luke Jennings

I really enjoyed this chapter just like all the others…. Villanelle saying it’s her fault , is showing she has a conscience. I feel she is in a battle within herself with the emotions she feels , like she honestly believes they are all part of her just being a psychopath & manipulating. I feel she is being more open & vulnerable with Eve , I feel really sorry for Valentin … the state he is in right now in icu with a bleed and what his future is set to be . Great instalment Thanks Luke (The mastermind)👏👏👏I’m really looking forward to the next …. Villanelle&Eve separating while Eve goes back to rest … have a not so great feeling . 💯🔥🎢 back to counting down the days & hours

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Sep 4Liked by Luke Jennings

Poor Valentin, headed towards a destiny he didn't choose. But how to fight against all this? I liked Eve and Vil's conversation. As difficult as it may be to accept, that is their duty and if they don't comply, the consequences will come against them.

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'I think about you all the time.' – that’s a Killing Eve anthem at this point ❤️

Keep her safe, Pcholka! I’m really having anxious preoccupied vibes there. I mean, my own vibes…

All the same, what is love, if not a never ending journey into the unknown?

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I love this. Villanelle’s vulnerability is something that intrigues me, but also makes me nervous bc I wonder if she would ever let herself believe she resented Eve for “domesticating” her so much. The counterweight to this, though, is obvs the (metric) ton of love and obsession they have for each other. And I think V know that Eve wants a “clawed” Villanelle (and of course that Eve is the truly fucked up one, being of such sound mind lol). But I wonder if Villanelle might find herself surprised and/or reminded that the idea of Eve in danger or taken away from her seems to undo any domesticity she’s been forced to undergo—meaning she might try to be what Eve needs her to be for the things that matter to Eve, but for nobody else, and definitely not at Eve’s expense. (Gosh I hope she finds out Eve was Balice’s target…is it wrong to hope for violence?)

Great chapter! I’m so curious where you’re going with everything!

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This is what I'm feeling too. Something will make Villanelle snap, especially with Balice front and center being very shifty. In an insane twist I could see Eve getting hurt -very badly- in front of Villanelle, as a form of taunting or torture from Balice's people thus making her snap.

I've been enjoying the distinction between Villanelle and Oxana. Two half's of the same coin that Eve loves, shockingly easily.

You can declaw a cat, but they are never fully "domesticated." Take away one option of attack, and the bite back from that "beast" will only be worse. ;)

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Very true…but also I worry bc look what happened to Mishka and the rat! She went for it with her instincts, not realizing she was stymied without claws, and got her ear bit! And then shit hit the fan. Really nervous for the foreshadowing!

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Our girl V is already changing, she too has had new scars, her ear being on the list of injuries from Retribution. Forgot about that til you mentioned Mishka's ear!

I do tho think Eve will be the trigger, for V, she always is. But I also could see Eve not always being the damsel in distress as she sometimes is presented as. 🤔

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Omg you’re right, Villanelle’s vulnerability and tunnel vision the moment she saw Eve on the bridge was a distraction and she got her ear blown off… like Mishka. 🫣

BUT Eve also saved her. Come on, Villanelle, you can do it. It’s the fact of life…you need a little vulnerability…you take the good, you take the bad… can she do it??

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Sep 4Liked by Luke Jennings

This was very well written. And as always the end of the Part comes too quickly. But I get that. Gotta leave em wanting to know what's next.

You have my attention! I'm looking forward to reading this next part, and seeing what happens with this situation, and our girls splitting watch. Knowing their track record though, I can't help but think everyone, but especially the girls, will have a rough few parts ahead of them.

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Sep 5Liked by Luke Jennings

Powerful. Thank you Luke. All we really have is this moment, make it count.

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Sep 4Liked by Luke Jennings

Very beautiful and comforting. Thanks!

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I very much enjoyed this installment, Luke! I loved the tender interaction between Villanelle and Eve. I also love the fact that Villanelle felt it was her fault, which shows that she has feelings for others (besides Eve of course). Just one other thing Luke. I did not get this in my email (again). I don't know why this has happened for the past month. I checked all of my email folders, and it never came like the previous four or five others. I had to come directly here to Substack Killing Eve to read it. I can't figure it out. I'm so afraid I'm going to miss one of your wonderful installments. In the meantime, thanks very much. I appreciate your wonderful and thoughtful writing. Sincerely, Diane ❤️

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Diane I've posted a note about subscribers dropped from emails. Will stay on it.

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Thanks so much Luke! ❤️

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Have you checked spam / junk mail? Substack emails can end up there

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Yes Luke. I've checked all of my email folders, and the Substack emails weren't there. Thanks for replying to me so quickly. I just don't want to miss your writing because I love it! I'll just have to go to the site like I did the last time. Thanks again! I appreciate your help. ❤️

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This shouldn’t be happening. We need to get to the bottom of it.

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Love this series, and the interplay between characters. But I keep forgetting to ask, for the next series could you add a quick summary of the previous episode to the top of the new one? For those that may follow several different seia;s, or just forget, it could help getting the brain back in gear for the current on. Thx

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You could always re-read the last one!

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Thats what I do re-read the last part of the previous instalment to remind myself, before I start the new instalment. I'm also re reading from the start as well, can't get enough of this story, Also watching an old film Nicholas and Alexandra on TV about the lead up to the Russian revolution.

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