Jul 24Liked by Luke Jennings

YUSSS!! Mexico style!

“It's only then that Eve notices that everyone around her is screaming.”

Love this. And Eve knowing exactly what Villanelle was going to do and calmly waiting. She is so dialed in to V’s world.

Great chapter!

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Jul 25Liked by Luke Jennings

I love that Eve is very quiet, just thinking, "Oh man, you are so fucked." And then the cherry on the stick is swapped for a cocktail onion.

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Jul 25Liked by Luke Jennings

How many times will I read this chapter? Perfection Luke! I knew all week that man made a grave mistake to even touch Eve. I appreciate both being involved in getting out of this situation and also the emotion of their love for each other. It’s hard to define but is always present. Thank you for your writing and care for them and their relationship…oh and the dwarves!

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Jul 25Liked by Luke Jennings

This is incredibly thrilling!🔥

I love knowing that Villanelle was jealous and fuming most of the night, then instantly says, "let her go; she's mine" and kills the dark-haired man that has captured Eve. Eve knew exactly what Villanelle was about to do, and calmly let everything fall into place and blew off a couple fingers too!!😀

My favorite visual was the poodle dancing on the eyeball!!!😆 I live for that sort of detail!🩶

I also appreciate the tenderness that Villanelle shows Eve in the taxi and in bed. She loves Eve so much and just needs to know that Eve will always be hers.🥰

Luke, you are outstanding!

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Jul 24Liked by Luke Jennings


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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Luke Jennings

She shoots...she scores! 👊

I admit, I cheered when Villanelle and Eve did their One-Two act on the goons, with an assist from the dwarves...because of course that's why they were there. That it brings them back together doesn't hurt, either, though I'm sure Eve would like to try hugging it out for a change....

I admit, I'm surprised Balice had nothing to do with it, and is as gobsmacked as everybody else. For a hotshot Intelligence Officer, she's really not very smart, is she? It's obvious that Balice doesn't deserve Villanelle, because if they had more than a fling Balice would put countless lives in danger!

So...does Balice's husband Charlie cheat on her with his MI5 PA Dawn, or is there more at play here than that? I don't know if there are wheels within wheels there, or if Charlie is really the affably incurious bloke she takes him to be. Given this crowd I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it could be true, maybe?

I feel bad for Bili, and hope she finds some plot armor real quick!

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Jul 24Liked by Luke Jennings

What an instalment 💯🔥🎢👏👏👏 wow I really enjoyed this! Start to finish , loved what happened to those men at the beginning 😂👏👏👏 what a rush I got from that 💯🔥. Your mine line was very beautiful, powerful, & I believe full of emotion & Eves answer 💯❤️! Balice finding out about the honey trap 😬 😂 I’m sure there is so much more to come. Thanks Luke the mastermind adore your writing , back to counting down the days & hours ….how will I handle it !

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Wow, that’s good craic! Love the action, drive, just amazing! Love how the girls feed on this energy, how it turns them on but at the same time Villanelle tends to show Eve her tender side…

Side note: I was rewatching the 1st episode of Sherlock BBC and remembered that quote:

«I said, it could be dangerous and here you are». Now I cannot see your Eve in action and not think of the resemblance to Sherlock/John dynamics.

Thank you for this chapter Luke!

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Jul 24Liked by Luke Jennings

Wow Luke! 😮What an installment! You have outdone yourself with this one. I totally enjoyed the entire thing! Eve knew what Villanelle was going to do to that guy and she calmly waited while Villanelle went to work on that bloke. Then Eve jumped into action and shot the other guy's hand almost off! How exciting it was! I loved how Villanelle stabbed the guy in the head. Just thrilling. I also love how Villanelle gives Eve credit for their quick actions. Additionally, when they finally get to bed, I just love the way Villanelle asks Eve if she is hers. Very romantic. ❤️ So Luke, you have me really psyched and I can't wait for your next installment. Amazing writing! Thanks very much!

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Jul 25Liked by Luke Jennings

Am I the only one who can't stand how messy Balice is? 😆

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Jul 25Liked by Luke Jennings

Great reading Luke.

I need to go back 3 or 4 chapters...I was sure Nikolai would be involved in what ever was going to go down. Was he not scheming about Valentin? I'll go back and do a re-read...it's not a hardship. :)

Balice's career is evaporating. I wonder if she will have a last stab at being important...or if she will somehow take Johnny down with her...hummm.

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Aug 2Liked by Luke Jennings

Yasssss... 😈 that Bit🤐🤨@! Is in deep 💩 I'm sorry, but Villanelle is such a beautiful, elegant, hot, sexy, feral animal. I love her ❤️. She's so hot 🫠😻

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Thank you Luke for the amazing and needed stories of my two favorite heroines! I blasted thru both Resurrection and Bloodline, hoping for more soon! Amazing stuff, kudos!

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Trop fort ce chapitre ça me plaît de plus en plus, bravo Luke!!

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Merci Martine!

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