Jul 9Liked by Luke Jennings

I'm really enjoying Oxana being jealous. I hope she does not do something crazy out of jealousy.

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Jul 10Liked by Luke Jennings

Villanelle won't see it that way, but Eve was drawing Valentin out to get some idea of what makes him tick so they can manage him better. Villanelle's jealousy is ridiculous, but it's ridiculous in a funny way that tells Eve (and us) just how much she loves her, and just how alien this "love" thing is.

Did Johnny set all this up to draw Balice out from cover to go after Eve? If that's the case, then Johnny must want to either eliminate Balice, or gain some heavy leverage on her to get her on-side.

I'd started to write "That's very clever, and VERY ruthless"—then I remembered the people I was talking about. "Very clever, and VERY ruthless" is both what they do and who they are—even Eve, who still projects an air of a vulnerable woman in love out of her depth, does it, all while seeming incapable of surviving in this world.

Now, I'm wondering just how interested Johnny really is in Valentin....

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Thanks for this forensic, spot-on reading. It's good to know the beats and nuances play out as I meant.

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I'm really enjoying the story, and glad you understand that what I'm doing is from a fan perspective.

Looking forward to what's up next....

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God this is brilliant and sexy, how Vil is reacting to all this blurry chemistry between Eve and Valentin. Pinching her ass was a chef’s kiss! Cannot stop visualizing it 😅

And cool twist with Bili! I stopped short of speculating about what’s gonna happen next, so will wait for the new chapter in anticipation

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Luke Jennings

Great writing Luke! I love the way you set the scene withing the club. Over the top. Valentin telling Eve and Villanelle that he is adopted and has never been in control of his life. His desire to be an artist to paint birds and describing the beautiful flight of a lapwing. It's as if he wishes he could fly away. I love Villanelle's jealousy. ❤️ Pinching Eve's bottom 🔥and baring her teeth to warn Eve to stop flirting! 😂 I love it, Luke! Thanks very much and looking forward to the next installment. My best to you. 😊

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Jul 9Liked by Luke Jennings

Oh shit. Haaaaa uh-oh…

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Jul 10Liked by Luke Jennings

Uttara surfaces again, Balice’s mole! Curious if Balice will connect Billi being her fling or just a report of Johnny meeting a woman that wasn’t Villanelle. Curious to see where this goes and as long as our love birds stay together I’m here for it all. Jealous Villanelle and love never wavering Eve ❤️

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Jul 10Liked by Luke Jennings

"It's as if a manned space vehicle has crashed into an Edwardian country house."

Great simile.

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I can’t help but love the play between Villanelle and Eve. It’s so spot on, the jealousies that flesh out the nuances of their dynamic. So girl thing, so familiar.

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Thanks Eva!

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(Bili) now that was a great surprise Balice played her game …I’m dying laughing 😂 👏👏👏love it ! Johnny does do his background work. Things are really starting to unravel & I’m loving every second of it ….Valentin revealing his adopted & the way he explained how he wanted to be an artist that wants to draw birds ….Almost seems like he is a bird locked in a cage . Villanelle viciously pinching Eves bottom and baring her teeth stop flirting with him 🤣 had me in stitches honestly loving the jealous Villanelle 🤣 . Great instalment thanks 🥰 Luke the mastermind you always surprise us ! 💯🔥🎢 back to counting the days & hours

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Thank you Pru!

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Thank You Luke

I am really enjoying this story. Love our girls especially Villanelle being jealous...lol. looking forward to the chapter.

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Brilliant writing! I enjoy the information given and putting it all together!

Villanelle is like a wildfire and instantly sparks with jealousy. I hope she realizes that Eve deeply loves her and wouldn't ever stray.🌹

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I was trying to remind myself just who is watching whom. Then I realized: the watcher is watching the watcher. If Villanelle really is jealous and not pretending, what does that say about how else she may have drastically changed. For a woman who hasn't had feelings, why should I expect that she has quite suddenly changed in this one way? What else has changed about her? Interesting thinks I, as I rub my chin. :)

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Nicely crafted.

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