You may have noticed that there isn't a Killer Prose post this week. That's because I'm preparing a dramatic final instalment of Killing Eve: Resurrection. It’s coming out this Wednesday, so until then...
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Will there be a paperback of KIlling Eve: Resurrection? The problem with hard-copy publishing is the time element. If I gave KE:R to a publisher now it would come out in hardback in 18 months and paperback probably in about 3 years. That's just how they do it. It's a very rigid system. The theory is that you have to publish in hardback to get reviews, and you don't bring out the paperback until you've sold all the hardbacks. Which is fine for some books, but very much not all. Publishing on Substack means there's no physical book, but you do get the story straight away. I don't write the book then chop it into instalments and post them, I write it as I go. Obviously there's a road map, and I know where I'm going, but it's a much more immediate, reactive and personal way of storytelling, and it's one I believe in. So while there may be a paperback down the line, I'm not actively pursuing that outcome. But then Codename Villanelle was originally an e-book self-published on Amazon, and that led to the TV series and everything that followed, so who knows?
Will there be a paperback of KIlling Eve: Resurrection? The problem with hard-copy publishing is the time element. If I gave KE:R to a publisher now it would come out in hardback in 18 months and paperback probably in about 3 years. That's just how they do it. It's a very rigid system. The theory is that you have to publish in hardback to get reviews, and you don't bring out the paperback until you've sold all the hardbacks. Which is fine for some books, but very much not all. Publishing on Substack means there's no physical book, but you do get the story straight away. I don't write the book then chop it into instalments and post them, I write it as I go. Obviously there's a road map, and I know where I'm going, but it's a much more immediate, reactive and personal way of storytelling, and it's one I believe in. So while there may be a paperback down the line, I'm not actively pursuing that outcome. But then Codename Villanelle was originally an e-book self-published on Amazon, and that led to the TV series and everything that followed, so who knows?
Can’t wait! Will you release this in paperback at some point too?